Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Day at the Salon with Mark Clement

Mark Clement is an African-American hair stylist and owner of Mark Clement Salon in Paris. Mark's been living in France for over 20 years and knows the ends and outs of the hair industry here. Check out the review I did on his salon here. Recently Mark allowed me to snap a few photos of him doing his thing. I wasn't able to hang out long enough to see all of the final results, but I promise to get you more pictures soon! And by the way, if you'd like to get a copy of my latest book Next of Kin, swing by his salon.

Mark Clement Salon
58 rue Volta 
Paris, 3rd arrondissement
Tel: (33).

Find him on Facebook!

English magazines on hand

All smiles 

Hard at work

These lovely ladies just got their hair done
Shelly and Mark


  1. Hello Priscilla! Thank you very much for your blog and special thanks to this particular post on Mark Clement Salon, which helped me to find (finally, yeah!) my hair stylist in Paris. The atmosphere's very cozy and welcoming. And when you see Mark and Shelly at work you can say for sure that they know and love what they do. Looking forward seeing them again, very soon). I can't but mention your book Next of Kin - I did appreciate every single word of it (had to go through a similar experience myself 3 years ago) Thank you for writing and publishing it.
    Oh, and Happy Holidays!!!

  2. That's really a great point to bring up.such a great article and I will surely bookmark it for future reference.

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