Monday, April 23, 2012

Dark and Lovely: Now at Your Local Monoprix

Dark and Lovely
Ahhh Dark and Lovely! WOW. I remember when I first moved to Paris over 13 years ago. You were hard pressed to find ANY African-American hair products in ANY of the stores here (unless you went to Chateau  d’eau of course). Now, I walk into my neighborhood Monoprix, and voila: Dark and Lovely relaxers.

Now, this is both awesome and scary at the same time. I have only tried to give myself a relaxer once or twice throughout my entire life. Needless to say: I failed. Giving yourself a relaxer is no easy task-- no matter how hard you try. If you are not a trained professional, I'd say don't do it. So, for this product to be readily available to any and every one, it's a little unsettling. Why? Because taking care of black hair is not even taught in hair schools here, so who's teaching whom and when and where and how?

Dark and Lovely + Garnier 
Does this mean there is a lot of home perming going on in Paris? I suppose it does...hmmmm....I'll try to get some info from Monoprix about this. Is it a best seller? Who's buying this product? I'll get back to you as soon as I have more info.

On another note, my niece back in the US swears by the Garnier Ultra Doux product that you can barely see in the picture. I once bought it for myself, but it didn't quite work for me. I gave it to her the last time I was home and she loves it!

Back to D and L: Maybe Monoprix is revving up their hair product game? Nah, probably not. Until I see some Shea Mositure, Curls, Knot Today, Olive Oil Conditioner, Palmers or Jane Carter in the aisles, I won't be convinced…but hey, seeing this on the shelves could be considered a good thing overall, right? In any case, it reminds me of home a little.

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